Following Dr. Sarvis’ unexpected death, friends stepped up to remember Sarvis by carrying on her unfinished work. Their agenda included securing a publisher for Collaboration in School Guidance, as well as issuing small grants to young people who were not served by established channels of aid.

The Mary Sarvis Memorial Fund began in 1965, and was officially incorporated in 1966. The original Board of Directors included Blanche Garcia (President), Irving Berg, M.D. (Vice-President), Kathleen D’Azevedo (Secretary), Beulah Parker, M.D. (Treasurer), and Janet McLeod, Henry Poppic, and Leland Vaughn.

After successfully publishing Collaboration in School Guidance with Bruner/Mazel in 1970, the Mary Sarvis Memorial Fund continued its operations and remains active and vital today carrying out Mary Sarvis’s legacy of caring for disadvantaged children.